The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law. 3 vols. 1998. Perkins/Bostock Ref. K487.E3 N48 1998 399 signed articles relating to the subject of law and economics. Articles generally cover several pages and include bibliographies for further reading and, in the case of articles on persons, lists of selected works. A classified arrangement of 75 subject headings is printed at the first of each volume, listing the articles to which each heading is assigned. There are many cross-reference entries but no general index; references to "Statutes, Treaties and Directives" and to "Cases" (listed by plaintiff) are indexed at the end of volume 3.
21st Century Economics A Reference Handbook
Fenn, A., & Fenn. (2010). Sports economics. In R. C. Free (Ed.), 21st century economics : a reference handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Retrieved from = _economics/0?institutionId=4982
Gerretsen, Stephanie and Mark S. Rosentraub (2017). The economics of sport. In Russell Hoye and Milena (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of sport management. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. Retrieved from 2ff7e9595c