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Monster Hunter 3 PSP Download Portugal Monster Hunter continues to be one of the most popular video games in all of Japan with a cult following, and significant crossover with role playing games. The third version of Monster Hunter, called Monster Hunter 3 (tri), was released for the PlayStation Portable on March 26, 2011. Focusing on a number of innovations and improvements like: an extended storyline, larger field maps and improved armor customizations, Monster Hunter Tri is another successful release in Capcom's series. The third installment in its own right; this installment focuses on what has been dubbed "tri-guilds": three grand guilds which players can join for extra features such as bonuses and quests. The three guilds are the "Valor" guild, the "Freedom" guild and the "Justice" guild. Each guild has its own focus, whether it is to become a master of weaponry or to use nature based items. These three grand guilds are located in different areas throughout the game's world. The main change to this installment in the series is that the game takes place on one gigantic map, unlike previous versions where players had to return to a central hub between missions. The world of Monster Hunter Tri is based on an archipelago composed of ten islands: nine smaller islands and one larger island referred to as 'The Island of Freedom'. The smaller islands are accessible with no form of teleporting, making them feasible to explore. These smaller islands are connected by stone bridges which can be destroyed with explosives or cut down with a weapon. Smaller islands also feature respawning monsters and do not take long to traverse despite their size. The larger island, however, is completely sealed off from the rest of the world and access to it requires either a large boat or special items such as 'Chrono Rift' or 'Chronos Tear,' which allow the passage of time (and thus travel). For online multiplayer games which take place on the same map, players will see other players even if they set their machines in different rooms. The main focus of the game is hunting monsters, known as "fauna," which appear on the map and must be eliminated. Fauna will appear on the map differently depending on whether there are already other players in said area. If another player is present, fauna will appear with a health bar and their name; this means that players can hunt cooperatively with others without interfering with each other's quests. However, if no one else is around to help or hinder a player's quest, fauna will only be visible when they get close enough and until they get far enough away and/or go underground (if applicable). When opponents are defeated, players receive points for defeating opponents; these points build rank points. The higher the rank, the more experience points and materials players will receive when they complete quests. The more materials that are collected, the more items that can be created. For example, gathering a set of animal horns will allow a hunter to craft a horn bow and thus use it in adventures. This is also known as an "armor slot," and armor can be customized to better fit the hunter. Items such as shields and helmets cannot be customized; however, these items give bonus benefits to specific weapons or elements of combat (e.g.; all blunt weapons get increased damage from blunt defense). cfa1e77820